

The latest news from our group…

Chris Buzelli in Communication Arts

Check out this interesting article profiling Chris Buzelli in this week’s Communication Arts’ Insight section.

Chris Buzelli in his studioRead More

13 Oct '09

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{ new website } for Jen Lobo

I have a new website at { } & I would love for you to stop by & take look. Kind thanks!

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Dave illustrates the Disney Family’s migration path to the U.S.

Here is the map illustration that Dave Stevenson was commissioned to create as a part of the permanent exhibit in the newly opened Walt Disney Family Museum.  The map shows the migration of the Disney family from Europe to the … Read More

15 Sep '09

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Funs Want

Hello, internets! This here is my debut post on the Jen Vaughn Blog & I’m going to talk about myself. How self-centered of me!

Well, the lovely folks over at Funs Want magazine were kind enough to do a little … Read More